

Herbal tii ifuru red rose tii akpọnwụwo rose buds tii

A na-eme tii Rose, nke dị mfe, site na okooko osisi rose dum ma ọ bụ petals rose n'onwe ha (mgbe akpọnwụchara).Nke a bụ ụdị tii a ma ama na Middle Eastern mana a na-anụ ụtọ ya gburugburu ụwa.Ọtụtụ uru tii a bụ n'ihi ụbara vitamin C, polyphenols, vitamin A, mineral dị iche iche, myrcene, quercetin na antioxidants ndị ọzọ.

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

product description
Aha ngwaahịa Rose Bud Tea
Ọpụrụiche Tii ahụike
MOQ 1 n'arọ
Nhazi Ọhụrụ, Raw, steamed
Ihe onwunwe Rose Buds akpọnwụwo
Ọdịdị Pink, nwa osisi na-agbajighị agbaji
Ịdị ọcha 100% na enweghị mgbakwunye
Ndụ nchekwa Ọnwa iri abụọ na anọ
Nchekwa Debe nkụ na ebe dị jụụ
detail images
detail images (2)
how to distinguish slfur and sulfur-free drying rose
how to brew
how to brew
function & application


1.Rose Bud Tea nwere ike ibelata mgbu ịhụ nsọ

2.Rose Bud Tea nwere ike ịkwalite usoro ahụ ji alụso ọrịa ọgụ

3.Rose Bud Tea nwere ike inyere aka na ọgwụgwọ nchegbu na ọrịa shuga

4.Rose Bud Tea nwere ike melite mgbaze

5.Rose Bud tii nwere ike inye aka ibu ọnwụ

6.Rose Bud Tea nwere ike detoxify ahụ, kpalie ọnọdụ ma mezie usoro ụra.


Why tea

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